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Rob and Tom met fortuitously in 2008. Tom had designed an apartment which he sold to Robs wife and Rob was going to build it. The project was an unequivicable success and it became increasingly clear that they were very different personalities with different yet highly complimentary skills.

Tom is a free spirit. He was passionate about finding the opportunities and then designing solutions that create exceptional buildings and harmonious living spaces.

Rob is the pragmatist with an attention to detail and a competitive attitude that makes things happen. His technical input not only informs the design but also ensures the astonishing quality for which Style & Space developments are renowned.

Tom had been running a small development business while also working in the city however climbing scaffolding in a suit late at night wasn’t sustainable. Rob who had qualified as a QS was working on a large project in Canary Wharf. They felt young, energetic but confined by the restrictions of the corporate world and a desire to let their entrepenurial spirits free. The next step was obvious…

In 2008 they both left their jobs and started Style & Space…



“it’s not how far you fall it’s how high you bounce”

In retrospect, the timing wasn’t great. The financial crash of 2008 dried up the money supply and even London property prices fell through the floor. It took a while for the market to recover and they did more than our share of loft conversions and home extensions and client work to keep the cash flowing. But they stuck at it and, to paraphrase that old saying, “what didn’t kill us made us stronger”. We learned a lot. It was exciting. We perfected our business model and established relationships with investors, architects and contractors that continue to this day.



“Never give up the pursuit of that spark that fascinated you”

As the business grew so did the projects we became involved with. Conversions gave way to redevelopments and new build Projects. We’ve been retained on projects up to 150 units, with land values exceeding £15m and contract values approaching £10m. Geographically, we now operate across London and the Home Counties. Despite this, Tom remains very hands-on with the concept design and Rob keeps pushing the boundaries of methodology.

Together, they continue challenging the conventions of what makes a better building. We still believe in creating living spaces that will stand the test of time and be as aspirational to buyers tomorrow as they are today.



“We are still challenging the conventions of what makes a better building but as the business grows our challenge is to continue to deliver the same careful and considered approach to larger scale developments”

Rob Conroy Director
Founder Style & Space


“In years to come we want the design and construction of our buildings to stand the test of time. We want our kids to look at them and be proud – Good quality design is a great form of conservation”

Tom Crabtree Director
Founder Style and Space